→ Curera: English — About Curera

Foto: Från serien Digitala Landskap av Erik Holmstedt.

Curera – About the project

Based on the desire and need of highlighting the curator’s position in the art scene in North Bothnia, the project Curera was initiated in the spring of 2022 by Konstfrämjandet Norrbotten. The project is divided into three overlapping and parallel parts that contribute to promoting the profession in different ways; by creating dialogue with potential clients and contributors, as well as initiating public activities at various locations in North Bothnia. The aim is for Curera to function as a starting point for learning, future collaborations and change management.

Curera is divided into three overlapping and parallel parts.

  • Collaboration is a series of lectures, workshops and network meetings.

  • Geographies is a curator residency on site in Norrbotten.

  • Learnings is a collaboration with the Master's programme in Curating Art at Stockholm University

Together the parts contribute in different ways to act for curators as a profession, by creating dialogue with potential commissioners and funders, and initiating public activities at various locations in Norrbotten.

You can read more about every part here: Learnings, Geographies, and take part of the programme in Collaboration.

Read more about the background to the project here.


Parts of the programme can be viewed digitally here.


Curera - Collaboration is a series of lectures and network meetings arranged during the spring at various locations in Norrbotten that creates space for dialogue and exchange of knowledge between curators and staff from large and small cultural institutions, cultural politicians, and staff from financing organizations.

Summary of the programme

Curators on site
30th Of January 13.00 - 14.00pm
Galleri Syster, Luleå.
Read more here (scroll down for English).

Curating in sparsely populated areas
February 28, 15.30 - 17.00
Norrbotten Museum, Luleå.
Read more here (scroll down for English).

Architecture as curatorial cornerstone
March 23, 17.00 - 18.00am
Luleå konsthall, Luleå.
Read more here (scroll down for English).

Renewing curatorial and institutional working habits
April 18, 13.00 - 14.00pm
Moskosel Creative Lab, Moskosel.
Read more here (scroll down for English).

Exploring Curatorial Practices from Indigenous Perspectives
May 27, 13.00 – 14.00
Ájtte museum, Jokkmokk.
Read more here (scroll down for English).

Working Conditions and Dream Contracts
June 9–10th
Havremagasinet Länskonsthall, Boden.
Read more here (scroll down for English).


Curera – Geographies is the first residency for curators in Norrbotten. On site, one curator is given the opportunity to develop a curatorial idea in dialogue with the specific cultural and geographical landscape. The residency is not tied to requirements for the production of an exhibition for example, but instead is designed as an opportunity for the curator to meet the artistic and social context in the region.

Zeren Oruc, from Turkey, is the chosen curator for the residency in May 2023.

Read an interview with Zeren Oruc by Lucie Gottlieb (project manager) here.


Curera – Learnings is a cooperation with students from the Masters programme in Curating at Stockholm University, which during the spring leads to concrete projects at various locations in Norrbotten. The collaboration is about offering a new generation of curators a practical opportunity to open to new ideas about the profession’s possibilities and conditions in places like Norrbotten.

We see a need today to develop different curatorial interests and methods that are not only designed according to the prevailing metropolitan conditions. The goal of Läranden (Learnings) is to offer the opportunity to curators-in-learning to experience the working conditions and discover the possibilities of working outside the bigger cities – usual focus points of the curatorial studies programmes. In the beginning of Mars 2023, a dialogue and collaboration started between the student curators of Stockholm University and a few Norrbotten-based organisations. They visited Silvermuseet in Arjeplog and Kiruna Kommun in Kiruna, and have begun their research in preparation for several upcoming projects that will be developed in the spring and the summer.

Curera has been made possible with support from Swedish Arts Council, Resurscentrum för konst, Konstfrämjandet [The People’s Movement for Art Promotion] and Region Norrbotten.

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